Scan the QR code to download the app, compatiable with IOS and Android OS

download smart watch app

App: FitCloudPro

Download App: IOS mobile phones can search for 'FitCloudPro' in the App Store,and Android mobile phones can search for 'FitCloudPro' in other app stores(such as Google Play) to download and install; or scan the code to download and install.

Dafit app

App: Dafit

Download App: IOS mobile phones can search for 'Dafit' in the App Store,and Android mobile phones can search for 'Dafit' in other app stores(such as Google Play) to download and install; or scan the code to download and install.

Wearfit Pro app download

App: Wearfit Pro

Download App: IOS mobile phones can search for 'Wearfit Pro' in the App Store,and Android mobile phones can search for 'Wearfit Pro' in other app stores(such as Google Play) to download and install; or scan the code to download and install.



Download App: IOS mobile phones can search for 'FitPro' in the App Store,and Android mobile phones can search for 'FitPro' in other app stores(such as Google Play) to download and install; or scan the code to download and install.

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